
strings on wooden necks

hi,this is your creative director of music club here.
There have been requests from alot of members and non-members (lets call them students of SSI) who are really interested in guitar playing.
As the only guy in MC who plays the guitar, there have been request made personally to me to give guitar lessons to the interested ones.
So what do everyone think about this suggestion? Feedbacks are needed to make this plan work out.
Give comments,guys.We need support.
If it works out, everyone can stop having fantasies about being a rock star,and be a real,professional guitarist,

like this guy.


  1. eak kuan!!!
    i wan learn guitar!!!
    when u start class!!!
    wakakakaka XP

  2. haha~~~i want to learn also~XD

  3. can choir de ppl learn also?
    actually, can ask some other ppl come teach basic also
    such as RAYMOND LOW, as he in music club also

  4. if can i hope can find a profession to teach.at least got a real basic.because if want do then should do the best.

  5. i think don't need professional... cos need money, and less familiarity, less people will wanna learn... i think eak kuan and raymond are good enough =D
