
Shuling's opinion about SSI Music Club 2010

Merry meet,
Merry part
Merry meet again!

Hi everyone^^
2010 is around the corner...
So,let's have some new plans for our Music Club------------
As usual,
The most important thing that I would like to emphasise is: Teamwork and Self control.
Just as an example, Ladanza is one of the mistake that I, and all of us have done.
It was crystal clear that we haven't show our teamwork very well.
And,it's really a quite difficult mission to complete a big show,ya know?
If we do all the part, all the mission, all the responsibility together,
without caring very much that whose duty is it and who is the one should be responsible for this and that but just work through all the difficulties together,
I believe that we can make our music club to become a club which is very successful in SSI.
Beside that, we should pay more attention on Choir.
As we all know, choir had became more and more Dull.
The wonderful and colourful choir which full of hapiness is waiting for us.
So, let's kambatech together and work hard for next year activities------orientation,dedication,choir competition,choir camp,trip,Battle of the Band(if possible),Hari Koko,Hari PIBG,Birthday Party,retreat......and many many more if we work together=)

I'm Shuling<3

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